Vampire Survivors Update 0.5.0 Patch Notes Details

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The Vampire Survivors community rejoiced when the developers of Poncle posted patch notes for the newest update, 0.5.0. The new update includes 4 new achievements that you can unlock and a list of how to unlock every new creature. This patch is super exciting because it helps the game be more stable, and gives players access to 4 new achievements.

We have compiled all of the most relevant information that pertains to the Vampire Survivors Update 0.5.0 patch on this page. Now that it’s been released on Steam users should be able to download and install it immediately. See below for information.

Vampire Survivors Update 0.5.0 Patch Notes Details

New Content

Contains 4 (?) new achievements:

  • 1 new relic/major gameplay feature (Arcana)
  • 1 more level of Banish
  • 1 new weapon
  • Inlaid Library Coffin

The new content in this patch will allow you to summon chaos and vicious creatures and also tap into the great occult power of the Arcanas. It sounds like this though:


  • Minor changes to spawn waves
  • Changed base drop rate of some Treasure Chests from 80% to 100%
  • Reduced Cooldown of Carréllo
  • Each rank in “Skip” now gives 2 skips instead of 1
  • Specified Clock Speed in Stage Selection
  • Removed special BGM from weapons (it stays on special characters only)


  • Game data will now be saved when backing out of selection menus

How to unlock Arcanas as a game mechanic

[spoiler]- Find the Randomazzo at the top of Stage 4. Be careful.[/spoiler]

How to unlock more Arcanas

[spoiler]- After finding the Randomazzo, new unlocks will be available and visible in the Unlocks menu. There are 6 Arcanas in this patch, more will be added in future patches.[/spoiler]

How to activate Arcanas during a run

[spoiler]- You get to choose any unlocked Arcana at the start of a new run. After that, if you have unlocked more arcanas than just the default one, then there is a chance you can get a random draft from Trasure Chests. Most Treasure Chests containing Arcanas are carried by bosses spawning at minute 11:00 and 21:00. You can carry a maximum of 3 Arcanas at the same time.[/spoiler]

Vampire Survivors Update 0.5.0 is now available to download on all supported platforms. You can find more information about game updates and news in our Vampire Survivors section.

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