Sons Of The Forest Fire Keeps Going Out, How To Fix It?

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Sons of the Forest is a survival game that puts players in the shoes of a character stranded in a forest. The game requires players to use their survival skills to stay alive, which includes building a fire to keep warm during the cold winter nights. However, some players have been experiencing a frustrating bug in Sons Of The Forest where the fire keeps going out after a few seconds. If you’re one of those players, don’t worry – there are some steps you can take to fix Sons Of The Forest Fire Keeps Going Out issue.

How to fix Sons Of The Forest Fire Keeps Going Out?

Sons of the Forest is an adventure game developed by Endnight Games. The game takes place in a dense forest where players must survive and explore while uncovering the secrets of the forest. One of the key mechanics of the game is the need to keep a fire going in order to stay warm and cook food. However, players have reported issues with the fire going out, which can be frustrating and can make the game difficult to progress through. In this article, we will discuss some methods to fix the Sons of the Forest fire that keeps going out.

Also Read: Sons of the Forest: Simple Guide On How to Fix Controller Not Working Problem

Make Sure Game Is Updated To Latest Version

The first and most important step is to make sure that your game is fully updated. Developers frequently release new updates to fix any bugs that players are experiencing, so it’s essential to check for updates before trying any other fixes.

If there is a new update available, the game will prompt you to install it before launching. Once you’ve confirmed that your game is up-to-date, you can move on to other potential solutions.

Restart the game

One of the simplest solutions to try is to restart the Sons of the Forest to fix fire keep going out issue. This may seem like a basic step, but sometimes a simple restart can do wonders in fixing technical issues with a game.

Before restarting, it’s important to save your progress to avoid losing any unsaved work. Once you’ve saved your progress, close the game and restart it. This should reset any temporary glitches that were causing the fire to keep going out.

If the issue persists even after restarting the game, there may be other factors at play

Make New Fire

If you’re facing the issue of the Sons of the Forest fire going out repeatedly, building a new fire can be an effective solution. While it may seem counterintuitive to destroy the campfire you built earlier, it’s a necessary step to overcome the bug. It’s important to keep in mind that fixing the issue might not happen with the first attempt, and you may need to rebuild the fire two to three times before the problem is resolved.

Use Firewood

When it comes to building a long-lasting fire in Sons Of The Forest, there are a few crucial things to keep in mind. One of the most important is the type of fuel you’re using. While leaves and paper may work in a pinch, they burn quickly and won’t sustain a fire for very long. That’s why it’s essential to make sure you’re using proper firewood to keep the flames burning.

If you’re not familiar with firewood, it’s essentially wood that has been chopped and dried specifically for use in fires. When you use firewood, you’ll find that the flames are stronger, hotter, and more consistent. This is because firewood has a lower moisture content than other types of wood, meaning it’s easier to ignite and will burn more efficiently.

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